Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Animal Reseach: The advantages and disadvantages!


Animal research plays a crucial role in scientists’ understanding of diseases and the developmental of effective medical treatment.  As of right now, millions or even billions of rats, mice, rabbits, cats and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the world. They languish with pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit in their cold cages and wait in fear for the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed to them.  From toothpaste to shampoo that we use to the charities we support, our lives are full or opportunities to stand against animal experiments against animals.

Every year, cosmetics companies kill millions of animals to test their products. These companies claim they test on animals to establish the safety of their products and ingredients for consumers. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require animal testing for cosmetics, and alternative testing methods are widely available and lead to results that are more reliable. Product testing is commonly performed on animals to measure the levels of skin irritancy, eye tissue damage, and toxicity caused by various substances used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

Most of today’s prescribed medication or over-the-counter medications have come from animal research. Although some people such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) think animal research is wrong, other organizations believe that it is helpful in the world. Medical research has saved and improved millions of people. Today’s medicine and surgical techniques could not have been discovered without better understanding of the disease and the way the body and mind works.

 I, like many people across the world, believe that animal research should be range considerably in degrees. I guess you can consider me as a “minimalist.” Minimalists tolerate certain kinds of animal research but prohibit others depending on the probable value of the research, the amount of distress to the animal, and the type of animal.  I believe that animal research should be used effectively when it comes to science or the findings methods to treat or prevent AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and many other disorders. In many areas of medicine and biological psychology, research would progress slowly or not at all without animals.

 Animal research has contributed too many of the medical advances we now take for granted. We have probably all benefited from vaccines and antibiotics to prevent and treat infections, and anesthetics used in all forms of surgery. Medicines can now overcome serious conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. According to PETA, the best way to stop companies, universities and charities from using animals is to refuse to purchase their products or give them donations and to write and tell them that you won't support them until they stop testing on animals.

The good news is that many companies are now citing 'no testing on animals' in terms of their ethical stance on cosmetics. Ironically, those companies who do not test cosmetics on animals are still benefiting from previous data that was conducted on animals. People need to realize that you can help without hurting!
I've inserted a video about animal research. This video describes the effects towards animal research and how it can help everyone across the world understand the concept better. Enjoy!


  1. Jennifer,
    Very well researched. This is a very delicate and controversial subject and you clearly stated your beliefs and opinions and backed it up with valid information. You expressed your views, yet also mentioned the opposing side. Your video was relevant to the topic and emphasized the theme much more.
    The image was perfect at expressing your message to the readers and viewers. I believe just like you, according to being on the “minimalist” side. Finding cures for our species’ weaknesses is something that has to be done if we want to survive and I understand that performing certain experimentation on nonhuman species may be necessary, but I do believe other methods should be taken if possible. PETA videos are always very disturbing and heart wrenching, but your video choice gave just the perfect amount of information and footage to construct a powerful reaction within the viewer.
    I enjoyed the informative video and it has made me want to seek out the companies who don’t harm innocent animals by resorting to cruelty. Very good insight and overall it was very enlightening.

  2. I completely agree wiht your research, Medical researh with animals has improve to save the life of human beings. That is something we shouold all consider and take into consideration. Yes it is animal cruelty what they are doing, but at the end they have a point. All researchers do is come out with solutions that can cure use human. It is difficult to have to choose on a side. However like (PETA) they think is wrong and there are otherways to make research, yet some preffer to use animals. There are other ways to help human beings without hurting animals. Also like (PETA) organization mentions, the only way to stop them is to stop buying their products.
